How Do You Obtain a Corporate Identification Number for Your Business?

Aug 28, 2022


Each business that has been incorporated in India is granted a unique alpha-numeric identifier known as a Corporate Identification Number, or CIN, by the Registrar of Companies (ROC). All corporations are required to include their CIN on all Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) documents, including audits and reports. 

A Corporate Identification Number is assigned to each One Person Company, Private Limited Company, Not-for-Profit Section 8 Company, Limited Company, and Producer Company that is registered in India (CIN).

Corporate Identification Number (CIN) Format and Definition

Every company’s unique 21-digit CIN has a specific meaning and function. It is simple to translate and useful for learning the fundamentals of a corporation. For instance, the ROC issued the special CIN L01631KA2010PTC096843.

The first character of the CIN designates whether a firm is “Listed” or “Unlisted” on the Indian stock market. The next five numbers represent the classification of a company’s economic activity or the industry to which it belongs. The 7th and 8th letters denote the Indian state in which the corporation is registered. The digits in the 9th through 12th slots stand in for the company’s year of formation. The next three letters after the year of incorporation indicate the kind of ownership of the firm. The registration number for the firm granted by ROC is shown by the final six digits.


How to Obtain a CIN for Your Business

The Corporate Identity Number (CIN) is automatically assigned upon incorporation and approval by the ROC – Registrar of Companies. Therefore, it is not necessary to ask for a CIN number. 

The process of incorporating or registering enterprises is handled by a government organization called the Registrar of Companies (ROC). It may be found throughout the various Indian States and Union Territories. 

The main objective of the Registrar of Companies is to ensure that all Indian corporations follow the law. The following are other ROC goals:

  • Changing a company’s name 
  • Defending against defaulting businesses 
  • transforming private businesses into public


Where Should CIN Be Mentioned? 

All firms with an Indian address are obliged to mention their Corporate Identification Number on official papers, as per section 12(3)(c) of the Companies Act 2013. These consist of all submitted e-forms on the MCA website as well as invoices, bills, notices, annual reports, audits, receipts, memoranda, letterheads, and the company’s official publications. 


Is It Punishable to Not Mention the CIN? 

The defaulting firm and each of its officials are subject to a fine of INR 1,000 per day for as long as the default lasts if the aforementioned provision of the Companies Act is not followed. However, the maximum penalty for this breach is just INR 100,000.


Where can I find the corporate identity number for my company? 

The MCA 21 portal’s search tool may be used to locate a company’s CIN based on the following criteria: 

  • ROC’s registration number 
  • Existing company name 
  • Old business name (if the firm’s name changes, the user must provide the old name). The proper current business name will subsequently be shown by the system. 
  • CIN not in use (In case there is a change in the CIN, the user is required to enter the previous inactive CIN).


Are LLPs Assigned a CIN? 

A registered business is given a CIN by the Registrar of Companies, while a limited liability partnership is given an LLPIN (LLP Identification Number) (LLP). Therefore, only companies that have been incorporated under the 2013 Companies Act are eligible for a CIN; LLPs are not.


GSTIN and CIN: Are They the Same Thing? 

At the time the business registration certificate is granted, the Registrar of Companies issues a unique identification number (CIN) to each registered firm. On the other hand, a GSTIN is the name provided to organizations and companies that have registered for GST. As a result, each is special and has a different function.


What Situations Permit the Change of a Corporate Identity Number? 

Each registered business receives a CIN for identification reasons, and under certain conditions, such as: 

Modifications to a company’s listed status Any change to the city or state where the firm’s registered office is situated Any change to the industry or sector that a company belongs to

Contact the professionals at Reso  

A Corporate Identification Number (CIN) can be obtained in a quick and low-cost manner. Take advantage of Reso’s experience in business incorporation to receive the best legal counsel possible.

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