To protect your consumer rights, learn how to file a complaint online

Aug 28, 2022


In general, consumers have the right to file complaints both offline and online if their lives are disrupted as a result of the violation of one or more consumer rights. The Department of Consumer Affairs has established a website called INGRAM to handle lay-to-lay consumer complaints (Integrated Grievance Redress Mechanism). In this post, the process for making a consumer complaint online will be discussed.

Let’s first define a customer and their rights before delving deeper into the subject. A succinct definition of “consumer” is given in Section 2(7) of the Consumer Protection Act 2019 (CPA). On the other hand, someone who purchases products or services for a set price, whether online or offline, is referred to as a consumer.

According to the Consumer Protection Act, who is a consumer? 

A consumer is a person or a group of people who purchase products and services for their own consumption as opposed to reselling or creating them. A consumer is defined as a person who purchases products or services for personal, commercial, or resale use in accordance with Section 2(7) of the Consumer Protection Act of 2019. According to the definition of what constitutes a customer, the terms “buys any products” and “hires or avails any services” also include any electronic transactions made online, including direct selling, teleshopping, and multi-level marketing.


What Rights Do Consumers Have? 

  • The right to be shielded from the promotion of goods, services, or other things that could endanger one’s life or property; 
  • The right to information about a product’s quantity, quality, potency, standard, and price, if necessary, in order to safeguard the client from unfair business practices. 
  • The right to be certain that they may access a variety of goods and services at fair prices.
  • The opportunity to be heard and the confidence that the consumer’s interests will be properly considered in an appropriate setting; 
  • The right to file a complaint against any unethical business practises or consumer abuse and the customer’s right to information


Guidelines for Online Consumer Complaint Submission 

If a customer feels their rights have been abused, they can register a complaint on the INGRAM website (Integrated Grievance Redress Mechanism). 

Because guest sessions are not permitted on this portal, users must register in order to submit a complaint. Visit and select “user login” from the drop-down menu to register.

Step 1: fill out the registration form: The consumer must provide information such as their name, gender, email address, and password in order to complete the sign-up process. The customer’s email address might be used to confirm the same. The login information is then generated. The consumer must provide information including his or her name, gender, email address, and password in order to sign up. The same may be verified via consumer email as well. Next, a password and user ID are generated.

Step 2: Fill out the “Grievance Registration Form”: Use the aforementioned login information to log in, then search for the “Grievance Registration Form.” Customers must fully fill out the form and submit it together with the required paperwork and all necessary information. After properly filling out this form, the customer can submit it.

Step 3: Mentally record the special docket number: As soon as a customer complaint is formally submitted on the site, a distinct docket number will appear on the screen. The recorded complaint will also be sent to the proper business, regulation, agency, or ombudsman for fast resolution. You may also use the site to view the current status of your complaint.

Step 4: Real-Time Status Check: The ‘Track your Grievance’ feature on the portal allows users to see the progress of their complaints in real time after filing them. Any type of complaint or issue connected to consumer complaints and issues may be submitted using this web-based platform.

This portal’s primary objective is to gather all relevant parties under one roof, including users, Ombudsmen, federal and state authorities, and so on. Additionally, this website would help Indian individuals become more conscious of their rights as consumers. 

Every grievance submitted via this online portal will be promptly addressed by the relevant business. The maximum period permitted to arrive at a reasonable conclusion is sixty days. This gateway will make sure the proper authorities are contacted about any issues. It’s probable that not all of the problems will be fully resolved, though. The business has the right to refer an unresolved complaint to the relevant consumer commission or forum.

The ultimate purpose of the Department of Consumer Affairs’ creation of this portal is to increase Indian citizens’ knowledge of the need to preserve their legal rights as consumers and to properly and effectively handle consumer complaints. This web-based filing approach is also touted to reduce time when compared to the conventional manner of filing a complaint.



Every Indian citizen has the same right to voice their displeasure with infractions of the criminal and business codes. A concerned person has the right to step forward and report a violation of one of the aforementioned rights in order to demand restitution or to hold the perpetrator accountable. 

With these provisions, the ecology of the Buyer-Seller will be shielded against bias and criminal conduct. The department of consumer affairs anticipates that by creating the online portal, it will be able to lessen the obstacles that now stand in the way of consumers’ rights. If you wish to submit an online consumer complaint, get in touch with Reso right now.

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